Bus Bus

Bus Stops on The Boulevard and Ermine Street, you can catch the AW1 for a local service to Huntingdon Train and Bus Station. This compliments the Stagecoach 904 from Peterborough to Huntingdon where you can get further connections to St Ives and Cambridge.

The bus stop has real time passenger information, a bike stand and a shelter.

Approximate journey times:

To Huntingdon train station 10 minutes
To Huntingdon bus station 15 minutes
To St Ives 30 minutes
To Peterborough 45 minutes
To Central Cambridge 1 hour 20 minutes

The bus route is due to come through Alconbury Weald in the next couple of years, with bus stops being delivered as more new homes are built and occupied.

Free travel voucher

All residents of Alconbury Weald can apply for a free one month travel smartcard from Stagecoach. Click here to download the registration form (or contact your travel co-ordinator if you are resident of Alconbury Enterprise Campus).

Bus Travel Voucher

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